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μ16mcc: midi control change to 16 cv

price : $179.00

μ16MCC: MIDI Control Change To 16 CV

the "μ16mcc" module is a compact midi interface, which converts received midi control change commands on 16 outputs into cv voltages between 0 and + 5v. the resolution of the data bytes is 7bit. the outputs each have a passive lowpass filter, which smoothes the output voltages.

each of the outputs can be assigned a separate control change number between 0 and 127 on its own midi channel. the module is programmable via the learn function with a midi keyboard and midi controllers, or via sysex commands. some sysex files with default settings already exist.

the module has two midi sockets (mini jacks in trs-b standard) input and thru. the data received at midi-in is forwarded via midi-thru. additional midi modules can then be connected there.

download the manual here.

Analogue Haven